Are your qualifications internationally recognised?

Yes, all our qualifications are internationally recognised. Our qualifications are awarded by Active IQ and endorsed by CIMSPA, EREPs and REPs UAE. We have students studying with us from all over the world and graduates operating as successful personal trainers worldwide.

  • Active IQ is the leading industry awarding body in the internationally.
  • In the UK CIMSPA is the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity, i
  • In Europe EREPs help support the health health and fitness sector, promoting standards and providing endorsement and
  • In the UAE, REPs UAE is a public register which recognises the qualifications and expertise of exercise instructors in the UAE.

CIMSPA is the professional development body for the UK’s sports and physical activity sector, providing leadership, support and empowerment for professionals working in the industry. The institute’s vision is “To develop a vibrant, UK-wide sport and physical activity sector, led by professionals providing advocacy and leadership and working in partnership with stakeholders to help ensure the highest standards of service delivery”.

All of our qualifications are CIMSPA-recognised and endorsed, meaning you will have full access to obtaining a CIMSPA membership, even if you’re studying for your personal trainer certification online. We are a CIMSPA Enhancing educational partner and we are an approved REPs UAE Training Provider too.

We also work with international registers across the world, ensuring that your qualifications have portability globally.

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